
Sunday 9 September 2012

Quantum scalar energy by Fusion Excel International Scam or not?

Quantum scalar energy by Fusion Excel International Scam or not
Quantum scalar energy by Fusion Excel International Scam or not?

If you have been or participated by product demos of this quantum scalar energy pendant, bracelet and other accessories you will either be skeptical, convinced its just a drama and a hoax or be amazed with the effects. If you turned skeptical or immediately believed its a scam its a normal human instinct following your gut feelings. However if your amazed there is still that same instinct working, after you are astonished you must have asked yourself why, how did that happened?

Are these products the real thing? I don't know, possible explanations of this are order effect and placebo effect.

In the demos, you are first tested without the pendant or wristband and only have you wear it in the second attempt. Order effect says that your mind and body now knows what to expect and is better ready to the test. This in turn create better performance than the first test.

Placebo effect is the psychological effect you get when you are given something you believe that can heal you. This should not be taken lightly, even doctors use this sometimes in the form of water injection or empty capsules producing dramatic results. This are also not limited to medications, the key factor here is your belief. With these quantum pendants or wristbands when strongly believed, its not far placebo effect takes place.

 With the present science and technology we have today Quantum scalar energy claims are easily dismissed as a fraud. It is impossible for people behind Quantum scalar energy to produce scientific evidence and proof. However, I am open minded and will not immediately jump into conclusions. Who knows, maybe in the future they can have the science and technology to create a solid evidence that these are really effective.To be fair, lets say the battle whether this is effective or not is not yet over but for now its more likely not.

My concern now is that why are these unproven products now distributed and used by people? In addition to that, it is distributed via the controversial MLM business model. It is also very pricey and many of its claims and testimonials can be misleading and deceptive doing more harm to people than good.

What do you think?

Is Quantum scalar energy by Fusion Excel International Scam or not?


  1. Two interesting reports. Not about scalarized products, but scalar rooms where people lay in a relaxed state for up to 2-hours:

    1. Viewing a drop of blood under a darkfield microscope before and after relaxing in a scalar room shows marked changes for the better in cell structure. I have witnessed this.

    2. I had much knee pain for 3 months. MRI showed medial and lateral torn meniscus with a cyst. Went in scalar room for 2-hours twice in 2 weeks. I limped in both times as the pain was that bad. But the second time, I walked out and got into my car and said, "Wait a minute". I got back out of my car and realized I had walked with no pain in my knee! I didn't go to the scalar room specifically for my knee pain. In fact, I didn't even think of it. I went for general purposes. My knee pain was bad...and it went away. That was three years ago. I haven't had any pain since. I'm skeptical and tried to find other reasons why. I asked my doctor if twisting my knee while walking on ice could have relieved it and he said definitely not. So what am I supposed to think?

    1. Here is what I am thinking.. "HOW DO WE KNOW YOUR TELLING THE TRUTH"???


  2. Two interesting reports. Not about scalarized products, but scalar rooms where people lay in a relaxed state for up to 2-hours:

    1. Viewing a drop of blood under a darkfield microscope before and after relaxing in a scalar room shows marked changes for the better in cell structure. I have witnessed this.

    2. I had much knee pain for 3 months. MRI showed medial and lateral torn meniscus with a cyst. Went in scalar room for 2-hours twice in 2 weeks. I limped in both times as the pain was that bad. But the second time, I walked out and got into my car and said, "Wait a minute". I got back out of my car and realized I had walked with no pain in my knee! I didn't go to the scalar room specifically for my knee pain. In fact, I didn't even think of it. I went for general purposes. My knee pain was bad...and it went away. That was three years ago. I haven't had any pain since. I'm skeptical and tried to find other reasons why. I asked my doctor if twisting my knee while walking on ice could have relieved it and he said definitely not. So what am I supposed to think?

    1. Its called "PLACEBO EFFECT"..

    2. Placebo effect? I didn't go there for my knee nor did I know what was supposed to change about my blood cells. I was diagnosed via MRI by my orthopedic and had no thought of any "cure" for my knee. I went to the scalar room because it was FREE due to a favor I had done for the owner years before.

    3. Salvador Filipino5 May 2023 at 18:55

      Anonymous it is not a placebo effect. I have this fusion excel quantum pendant which was introduced to me from 2011 when I was working in saudi arabia. I have a gout for almost 2 years and drinking always a no uric tablet. Then I bought this pendant and tried. After 2 or 3 days I cannot believe why may gut is gone ang I tried to walk up to 4 km. The gout is gone. This is my true experience I am sharing God knows I am telling the truth.

    4. Salvador Filipino5 May 2023 at 18:58

      Additional comment: When I used this pendant I first stop drinking the no uric tablet to really test this pendant and it works.

    5. Joe is certainly telling the truth.

    6. Joe is certsinly telling the truth.

  3. I'm here because i'm searching for the truth... I was amazed by my friend who owned one of this quantum pendant hope for children. we tested it and it really worked. he did not mentioned it at first (while we are doing the activities) and later on mentioned that it was because of his pendant. I was never a believer of such things ever since. but during that encounter, we nearly cried. is this a scientific invention of some kind of work of the devil. I wanted to know. I found this blog and i am posting here because i was so curious about it that i cannot stop but thinking if this is true or not.

    1. what kind of activity? how did you test? how do you exactly know it was because of the pendant?

      it might just be a placebo effect or they must have tricked you..

      if in any case it is magical but then it involves making money, then it must be on the dark side.. lol

  4. we nearly cried? Give me a break cried only if you getting payed

  5. The Modern Agimat. Lol

  6. I think they making money. Can they explain the mechanism how it works

  7. The one in the picture is a fake. A lot of people do try to sell radioactive ones which are bad for you. Conspiracy? They want you to think they dont work so they make bad ones that are cheaper so people buy them instead and give the science a bad name. The energy is real. We are made up of It. There are vibrations everywhere. Good and bad. Its not magic. Its infused with these good vibrations. Do The ice test. It will work if you have The real deal. That will prove there is energy/vibrations. Which EVERYTHING vibrates. The higher the better We feel. Spiritually and physically. We cant see everything. The real one has negative ions. Which do help us vibrate at higher frequencies. Look into quantum science. It is unexplainable. Just like our world,Our beautiful complex powerful minds. But the proof is there. Open your minds people. Even scientists are starting to see that hey there is something more. Something unexplainable. Don't take my word for it. Research yourself. What do you FEEL is right? People always seem to criticize what they dont understand instead of having an opened mind and just feeling without judging. Your intuition is real. Its your 6th sense.

  8. The one in the picture is a fake. A lot of people do try to sell radioactive ones which are bad for you. Conspiracy? They want you to think they dont work so they make bad ones that are cheaper so people buy them instead and give the science a bad name. The energy is real. We are made up of It. There are vibrations everywhere. Good and bad. Its not magic. Its infused with these good vibrations. Do The ice test. It will work if you have The real deal. That will prove there is energy/vibrations. Which EVERYTHING vibrates. The higher the better We feel. Spiritually and physically. We cant see everything. The real one has negative ions. Which do help us vibrate at higher frequencies. Look into quantum science. It is unexplainable. Just like our world,Our beautiful complex powerful minds. But the proof is there. Open your minds people. Even scientists are starting to see that hey there is something more. Something unexplainable. Don't take my word for it. Research yourself. What do you FEEL is right? People always seem to criticize what they dont understand instead of having an opened mind and just feeling without judging. Your intuition is real. Its your 6th sense.

  9. Had been using scalar and the water flask since 2010 when I was diagnosed with brain tumor,had the tumor 1st removed in 2011, it grew back, had it again removed in 2012 and again it grew back and had it surgically removed for the 3rd time in 2015. Praise God , no growth was seen after, unfortunately i was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer last 2016, had the scalar pendant and flask helped, it's for you to analyzed. I had not stopped using the flask as it is convenient for me


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