just been paid scam or not |
jss tripler scam or not |
profitclicking scam or not |
Ive learned about this online program that I think not many of us knows about it or even bothers to have a look at it.
What is unique about this is that they claim you can earn even without sponsoring someone. The key here is how many numbers of positions you have in your account which earns an interest per day.
For jss tripler which is a program of just been paid that is now called profit clicking. Each position is worth $10 and it will be earning 2% per day so for each position you have you will be having 2 cents a day..
I see it like some sort of shares of stocks idea or money deposited from a bank. The only difference is that the money you deposit from the bank have 1-2% interest per year, here its per day.
The interest is so big that it scares me.
Where did they get the money to pay people? will they last long? too good to be true isn't it? Ive research a bit about just been paid and I found an article by an expert stock market analyst from Chicago.
He said that Just been paid / Jss tripler is growing exponentially fast that it can afford to pay its old members with the revenue they got for the new ones but eventually since market is a finite thing he quoted that it will crash with the peoples money in it by 2017.
By the way, although it is true that you don't need downlines to earn, it is available.
There is a referral system that rewards you by recruiting someone to join.
The good thing is its totally free join and $10 is provided for free so you to buy 1 position and start earning. With this, I actually tried it for myself just to see if its is true since it wont cost me anything, and indeed it is.
I find this scary yet I cannot find anything bad except for the destined doom predicted.. even so, still people can make lots of money if they join now or even next year. For those who joined in late and lose their money upon the collapse of the program, given the chance that you didn't recruit them, then there is no ethical dilemma for you. The gut feeling is not right yet I cannot find any reason why, maybe its because we are thought that anything too good to be true it probably is, or is this an exception to the rule?
I need your opinion people, what do you think of this? I would like you to try signing in just for the sake of finding out but I strongly advise not to spend any money, I will not be responsible for anything, do it in your own risk. Hopefully maybe you will discover something I did not then share you valuable experience to us bad or good.
click on these links:
http://profitclicking.com/ or by their old site
Although I did a bit of research on this but still more heads are better than one, so any opinion you share is valuable to me and to every reader on this blog..
just been paid / jss tripler / profit clicking,
Scam or Not?